When you purchase a copier from SRK Oversaes you not only get a current model copy machine that has been used less , but you also get the peace of mind knowing you are working with trusted company has had an A+ rating from the past ten years. One of the things we do to make your copier purchase an enjoyable experience is that we provide a “same as brand new” warranty on each refurbished copier we sell. Our warranty is the foundation of your copier purchase and allows you enough time to consider optional local service contracts- which our professional staff will assist you with. We sell top brands including Canon copiers, Konica Minolta, Toshiba and Kyocera copy machines.
If you decide to sign a service contract at the same time the dealer is installing and training you on your copy machine, most times you can negotiate free installation. Your local copier dealer will be very happy for the service contract revenue, so negotiate service rates until you feel you have done enough diligence. The copier dealers we provide you with are known to be certified on the brand of copier you have chosen, but we do not represent or recommend any one dealer over the other. Things such as response time, technician knowledge, customer courtesy and service professionalism and rates also must be considered.